Furry Strolls

App Design

App Design

App Design

Furry Strolls is an app that connects people who need dog walking services with people who want to walk dogs.

Furry Strolls is an app that connects people who need dog walking services with people who want to walk dogs.

Furry Strolls is an app that connects people who need dog walking services with people who want to walk dogs.

Project Type

Personal Project


Visual Designer UI/UX Designer



Figma Link
furry strolls screens
furry strolls screens
furry strolls screens

Project Description

Furry Strolls was created for those who have dogs but don't have time to walk them. In this app they have access to all the walkers close to them, choosing to organize them by price, proximity or rating. They can even tag their favorite walkers, keep in touch with them for future walks and remotely follow their dog's entire walk from the moment it is picked up to the moment it is again delivered to them.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis was conducted to identify competitor's strengths and weaknesses to better define Furry Strolls' features and information structure.

Homescreen with open bottom drawer
Homescreen with open bottom drawer
Homescreen with open bottom drawer

User Reviews

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© Sara Rodrigues 2023 . All Rights Reserved

© Sara Rodrigues 2023 . All Rights Reserved